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G Q'ourses are fun, succinct, direct, and designed to help you improve as a writer. Explore the richness of writing, develop your skills in the art, and master storytelling. Grab personal feedback and grow with our expanding community of like-minded writers.
G Q'ourses are fun, succinct, direct, and designed to help you improve as a writer. Explore the richness of writing, develop your skills in the art, and master storytelling. Grab personal feedback and grow with our expanding community of like-minded writers.
Go at your own pace. Work on what's important to you. Grammar, plot, hooks, editing, polishing, publishing, and everything else in the writing universe.
Become THE master writer YOU were born to be!
With these q'ourses, you can focus on:
Even with the best intentions, some of the greatest programs, books, courses, workshops, and more fail at this one critical aspect: they throw everything at you in one time (a day, weekend, or what-have-you). Then you have to sift through the mess and try to make sense of it all... later. That's why you give up and never press on.
We're all different. We all learn in different ways and at different stages and levels. That's how my q'ourses are built uniquely: to get you learning, growing, and supported through the entire journey.
The world moves at the speed of a click these days. Isn't it nice to just slow down and breathe? Or perhaps grab a few valuable morsels of advice on writing, freelancing, parenting special needs, or whatever else comes to this brain on any given day.
Episode 1- <Tap Tap> Is This Thing On?
Everyone's got to start somewhere. This is my first tepid steps into the vastly changing world of podcasting. Listen To More
Episode 2- In the Beginning...
We all have to start with what we know. But what if you simply don't know anything about your new passion? Listen To More
Episode 3- Naming the Animals
Sometimes, what you need to do is something familiar, and that can move you to more solid ground. Listen To More
Becoming a writer can feel daunting. Where do you start? What if you barely passed high school English? Don’t worry; with this FREE q’ourse, you will discover the writer’s already there.
Are you a writer? Do you have what it takes? Following G Q'ourse #1, you discovered the writer within. Now we’re going to tackle one of the toughest parts of it all: making it so.
Ideas are great. Wonderful! But what happens if you never get that amazing, bestseller idea to the page? What’s it all about then? Let’s focus and turn your idea into reality.
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Writing can be lonely. Not when you're part of a crew... or Q'REW! Sign up for our regular writing newsletter and become part of a growing tribe. We look forward to seeing you soon.